Monday, January 28, 2013


People may be asking what is friendster because the community website no longer dominates the social networking industry. According to industry professionals, friendster was among the first to offer people an online opportunity to connect with family members and friends. From some accounts, it appears that the company's primary model was to provide an online mechanism for an individual to stay in touch and reconnect with people the person already knew. However, it soon became a way for people to meet new friends, too. Despite blazing the trail for social networks, the company is no longer as popular as it once was. Competitors were able to attract more users and even many of those who were members of the friendster community opted for the competition. Industry experts attribute the decline in popularity to the company's management and user frustration with the site. These problems allowed competitors to ask, what is friendster, and then improve on the model to develop social communities that are now household names.

Social networks are a very popular internet pastime. Though kids, especially tech-savvy teenagers, drive their popularity, older people are also getting in on the fun. Most of these communities operate pretty much the same way. An individual opens up an account by providing limited personal information, such as a name and perhaps gender, age, and city or state. On one of the most popular sites, users use their real names, but other sites allow users to make up names. The individual also chooses a password and privacy settings. A profile is created that allows the person to tell something about his interests, occupation, and hobbies. The individual is almost always able to control who has access to the profile. In asking, what is friendster, a potential member should evaluate this company's policies regarding privacy with that of its competitors. Even as people voluntarily share details of their personal lives on community sites, they still need to know that some protections are in place to protect them from cyber-stalkers or identity thieves. Often, these communities have mechanisms in place that allow members to choose what other members they wish to have as friends. The same feature allows a member to block any other members that she doesn't want viewing her profile or updates.

In asking a member, what is friendster, that member will probably talk about its advantages. Individuals usually want family members and friends to be a part of the same networking community so that profiles and updates can be shared. Like the vast majority of community sites, friendster's members can upload photos and give updates about what is going on in their lives. Faraway relatives and friends who are also members can log on and access the updates. For example, many families are separated by hundreds and even thousands of miles as people move throughout the country. Adult children may even be in other countries, perhaps serving in the military or as missionaries. Maybe the adult son or daughter is employed in another country. Online communities help these faraway loved ones stay in touch with the family left behind. Grandparents can view photos of the grandchildren they seldom get to see and read all about the kids' cute antics when the parents post the photos and write the stories online. So when a grandparent asks, what is friendster, the adult child who is a friendster member, may do more than talk about its advantages. He may even set up the account and show the grandparent how to access and use it. 

Another feature, common to many communities, is the ability to form groups with others of similar interests. In evaluating, what is friendster, potential users may want to know something about the demographics of the site's users. According to some industry experts, two-thirds of the community's users live overseas, namely, in southeastern Asia. Anyone who has an interest in the Asian culture or who may be planning a trip to the region might appreciate this opportunity to connect with individuals who live in the area. The apostle Paul preached in this area centuries ago. On one trip, Paul was hurrying to reach Jerusalem, but sent for the elders of the church at Ephesus: "And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, . . . And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified" (Acts 20:18, 32). 

So just what is friendster? It's a community of members who have familial, casual, and business relationships with one another. Users can spread the news about social gatherings, give advice on restaurants and movies, and even help each other find jobs. An individual may be able to join a group with other members who interested in training dogs and learn techniques for teaching Rover new tricks. A community within the larger community may have members that attend or are alumni of a particular college. Perhaps a group will center on a specific town so that residents can meet neighbors and find out about local events. The connections can increase as friends become friends of friends and so on. But before signing up, potential users should get relevant answers to the question, what is friendster, and compare their findings with that from other social networking sites. Because updating and uploading takes time, most people prefer to limit the number of communities to which they belong. Making a careful choice upfront will lessen the need to change and start over if the network turns out not to be such a great match after all.

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